
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office will be closed all day, and the Tumwater office will be closed until 10 a.m.

E-file and e-pay frequently asked questions and answers

Am I required to file and pay my excise taxes electronically?

Yes. All businesses are required to file and pay electronically.

What if I can’t file or pay my tax return electronically? 

If you are unable to file and pay your return electronically, you may request a waiver. Waivers will be considered for the following reasons:

  • You don’t have a computer.
  • You do not have access to the internet using your own computer.
  • You do not have a bank account or a credit card.
  • Your bank is unable to send or receive electronic funds transfer transactions.

How do I apply for a waiver? 

To apply for a waiver, please send a written explanation detailing the reason(s) why you can’t file or pay your return electronically to the following address:
            Electronic Filing and Payments Team
            Department of Revenue
            PO Box 47476
            Olympia, WA 98504-7476

If your request is granted, you will not have to file or pay your return electronically while your waiver is valid.

If I am granted a waiver because I don’t have a bank account or credit card; do I still have to file electronically?

No. If you are granted a waiver for one of the reasons listed above, it will apply to both filing and paying electronically.

What if I file my return electronically by the due date and send a paper check for payment?

Because you are required to both file and pay your taxes electronically, you could incur a penalty.

What if I initiate an electronic payment but send in a paper tax return?

Because you are required to both file and pay your taxes electronically, you could incur a penalty.

My accountant files my return using My DOR. How do I electronically pay and still have my accountant prepare my return and file it electronically?

You have three options:

Tax preparer initiates payment – If you choose to provide your bank account information to your tax preparer, they can save the details to their My DOR profile and use it each time they submit your return. Your accountant can submit your return, and your payment will be withdrawn from your bank account on the date selected.

You initiate payment using a separate User ID – If you do not want to release your banking information to your tax preparer, you and your preparer can set-up separate User IDs for your business. Your User ID should be the administrator on the account. If you do not want your accountant to have the ability to pay the return, your accountant should have preparer status. The accounting firm can prepare your return, and then you log on, submit it, and pay the taxes due.

You initiate payment by contacting your bank - Your tax preparer can file the return. Then you contact your bank to initiate an ACH Credit payment to DOR.

Why are businesses required to file and pay their taxes electronically?

There are many good reasons for businesses to file and pay electronically. Over 200,000 Washington businesses currently file their state excise taxes online using Revenue’s My DOR system. Benefits include:

  • 24/7 access to your tax return and payment system.
  • Instant delivery of the return.
  • Automatic error checking.
  • Ability to upload information from other software.

Can I change methods of electronic payment? 

Yes, you can choose which electronic payment method to use.  The choices are:

  • ACH Debit
  • ACH Credit
  • Credit Card
  • E-Check

What if my computer crashes or there is a problem accessing the Internet?

You should contact us to request an extension prior to the due date. Please call the My DOR help line at 360-705-6709.

What if I need assistance learning to electronically file my taxes?

For assistance with My DOR, please call 360-705-6709. We will be happy to help you.