Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office will be closed all day, and the Tumwater office will be closed until 10 a.m.
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office will be closed all day, and the Tumwater office will be closed until 10 a.m.
无论有何语言偏好,Department of Revenue (财政部, DOR) 均免费提供口译和笔译服务。
(Report no business activity)
(Disaster relief for taxpayers)
营业执照申请表(填写版)700 028-zh-hans
(Business License Application (Fill-In) 700 028)
管理人员、所持比例和/或股票/单位所有权变更表格(填写版)700 306-zh-hans
(Change in Governing People, Percentage Owned and/or Stock/Unit Ownership Form (Fill-In) 700 306)
市和县附录(填写版)700 060-zh-hans
(City and County Addendum (Fill-In) 700 060)
企业信息变更表格(填写版)700 160-zh-hans
(Business Information Change Form (Fill-In) 700 160)
绿色交通销售税退税申请表 (填写版)41 0122-zh-hans
(Green Transportation Sales Tax Refund Request (Fill-In) 41 0122)
(Appealing Your Property Assessment to the County Board of Equalization)
(Homeowners Guide to Property Tax)
(Designated Forestland)
(Open Space Taxation Act)
老年人及残障人士不动房产税豁免申请表(填写版)64 0002-zh-hans
(Senior Citizen and People with Disabilities Exemption from Real Property Taxes (Fill-In) 64 0002)
老年人及残障人士延期申请表(填写版)64 0011-zh-hans
(Deferral Application for Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities (Fill-In) 64 0011)
收入有限房主的延期申请表(填写版)64 0105-zh-hans
(Deferral Application for Homeowners with Limited Income (Fill-In) 64 0105)
综合可支配收入工作表(填写版)63 0036-zh-hans
(Combined Disposable Income Worksheet (Fill-In) 63 0036)
当前用途申请表 - 农场与农业用地分类 - 不同所有权的地块(填写版)64 0108-zh-hans
(Current Use Application Farm and Agricultural Land Classification Parcels with Multiple Ownership (Fill-In) 64 0108)
当前用途申请表 - 农场与农业用地分类 - 同一所有权的地块(填写版)64 0024-zh-hans
(Current Use Application Farm and Agricultural Land Classification Parcels with Same Ownership) (Fill-In) 64 0024)
纳税人就审查不动房产估价判定致县公平委员会的请愿书(填写版)64 0075-zh-hans
(Taxpayer Petition to the County Board of Equalization for Review of Real Property Valuation Determination) (Fill-In) 64 0075)
纳税人收到当地政府规划部门出具的决定通知书后提出的估值变更申请(填写版)64 0046-zh-hans
(Taxpayer’s Request for Change in Valuation Upon Notice of Decision by Local Government Planning (Fill-In) 64 0046)
免征税财产报告(联邦“商业条款豁免”)(填写版)64 0012-zh-hans
(Report on Property Immune from Taxation (Federal “Commerce Clause Exemption”) (Fill-In) 64 0012)
受损木材调整申请表 (填写版)62 0082-zh-hans
(Damaged Timber Adjustment Application) (Fill-In) 62 0082)
老年人及残障 人士房产税豁免状态变化 (填写版)64 0018-zh-hans
(Change in Status for Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities Exemption from Real Property Taxes (Fill-In) 64 0018) ;
复审请愿书(填写版)50 0001-zh-hans
(Review Petition (Fill-In) 50 0001)
简要裁决程序上诉最初命令复审(填写版)50 0005-zh-hans
(Brief Adjudicative Proceeding Appeal Review of Initial Order (Fill-In) 50 0005)
和解提议(填写版)50 0006-zh-hans
(Settlement Offer (Fill-In) 50 0006)
无主财产行政程序法(Administrative Procedure Act, APA) 上诉复审请愿书(填写版)80 0058-zh-hans
(Unclaimed Property APA Appeal Petition for Review (Fill-In) 80 0058)
无主财产 - 罚款及利息上诉最初命令复审(填写版)80 0060-zh-hans
(Unclaimed Property - Penalty and Interest Appeal Review of Initial Order (Fill-In) 80 0060)