Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office will be closed all day, and the Tumwater office will be closed until 10 a.m.
Feb 14: Due to inclement weather, the Vancouver office will be closed all day, and the Tumwater office will be closed until 10 a.m.
If you file your returns electronically, you can also amend your returns online in My DOR. Options for electronic payments are available.
If you need to amend multiple periods (e.g. a year or more), an alternative to filing individual returns is to submit a schedule of amended figures. To properly prepare a schedule, show all figures as they should have been reported on the original returns. The schedule must provide the Department with sufficient information to compute the differences in income, deductions, local taxes and any penalties for as many return periods as needed.
When submitting a schedule of amended figures please remember to:
Schedules can be sent electronically using the Send a Message option in My DOR on the More Options tab, or mailing them to the address listed in step 7 below under By paper.
Making Payment: Payments for additional taxes due can be made through My DOR using the Make a Payment option.
However, if you have been granted a waiver from the mandatory e-file/e-pay requirement, you may mail a check with your scheduled amended figures.
Washington State Department of Revenue
Taxpayer Account Administration
PO Box 47476
Olympia, WA 98504-7476
The department will review the amended returns you file. In addition, the following penalties may apply to underreported amounts:
Note: The department may only honor refunds dating back four years prior to the year in which the refund request is made. WAC 458-20-229
If you file a tax return reporting no business activity and later discover that you did have business activity to report for that period, you should amend that return. Do not adjust a later return for the additional revenue to report. If you amend to report activity on a return that was previously reported with no activity, penalties will apply.